Who We Are
Dutch Moore Living was inspired by a mother and daughter team who wanted to create a blog to motivate readers and followers to live their best lives. And what is the best life? Well, that’s up to you. Drop in, say hello, and let us know what you think and where you’re headed on your adventures.
Mission Statement
Dutch Moore Living is dedicated to providing a bit of luxurious living to those of us who think life itself is a luxury worth living. We bring our experiences, those of others, and life lifting products and services to our readers in hopes that they are inspired to live life fully on their own terms.
About Dutch Moore
Our blog is filled with inspirational stories about everyday life, travel, culture, health, and beauty with a little bit of fun and satire mixed in to keep things (real) interesting. We aspire to have “real talk” about things that bother us, motivate us, and send us reeling into laughter.
Do you like products? We do too! Dutch Moore Living prides itself on reviewing products and services that we buy and try in hopes that it gives our readers the 411 on things we like (and sometimes, the things we didn’t like so much). We’re big on small (business) but also give shout-outs to the well- established big guys when they do something that deserves a high five.
History of Dutch Moore
Marlyn ‘Dutch’ Moore was a carpenter, artist, car and train enthusiast, a good husband and father and just on this side of being a mischievous prankster -precisely how he got his nickname! But most importantly, Dutch was my grandfather and one of my biggest champions. Sadly I lost him at a very early age; too young for a man of his charismatic and eternal child-like attitude. Although he’s no longer with me, I can still feel his presence and often draw comfort from his words of wisdom and encouragement. It is almost as if he never left.
He often said I could do anything and go anywhere I wanted and encouraged me to do both. The only thing he wished was that he could go with me. Because of him, I am interdependently connected to countless friends around the globe. His platform was the HAM radio; ours is the interconnected world!
Dutch Moore Living is dedicated to my grandfather and his curious spirit, enthusiasm for life and love of the idea that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. We celebrate our discoveries, style, artistic finds, stories, and the goods and services of independent artists as well as those bigger guys; because we are all connected.
Let’s take a page out of Dutch’s playbook; living an interdependent life, whether single or coupled, amongst family, friends, influencers and strangers who have yet to become acquaintances.
No matter your age, your background or your circumstances, live life to its fullest because you never know how far you can go on your own or with each other.
Dutch Moore Living…Curating Life….for All.
– Mia Moore, Moore Maven
About Mia & Mae
Original Founder: A Little Something About Mae
Mia’s daughter, Mae Rymer, was the artistic brains and influence of this operation. Raised in Dallas, Texas, Mae studied at the University of Santa Fe Art and Design, earning a bachelor’s in Studio Art. She’s a master of art who is ahead of her time and has an EQ of a sage. Her witty sense of humor is the only match for her creative, artistic talent. Gifted in pottery, traditional watercolors, and canvas, Mae has yet to find a medium she cannot master, recently taking up crochet and knitting elaborate sweaters. She loves to work out, hike, and drive her mother to the edge of peeing her pants with laughter. Mae plays guitar for fun and earns a living as an Executive Administrative Badass.
About Mia, Chief Life Officer
Mia Moore is a transplanted Midwesterner living in the great state of Texas. While she considers Ohio her home state, she has called Dallas home for over 30 years. Educated and experienced as an Organizational Risk & Resiliency professional, she recently decided it is finally time to start doing what she loves while helping others. Through both her writing and Life Coaching practice, Mia is focused on helping home-based professionals curate and live their best lives by avoiding burnout and engaging in creative living. She enjoys hiking, yoga, and choreographic dance. Mia lives with her three huskies, a “roommate,” a closet full of shoes and purses, and piles of books. She occasionally has unexpected visitors, but nobody needs to know about that.
Inspire our readers to live their best lives ever.
We are just getting started and chose to get our story and content out first but stay tuned for really cool stuff soon. Can’t wait? Drop us a note at AskDutch@dutchmoorelife.com and we’ll hook you up with a ecatalog of goods and partner site offerings.”
If you want to know more about what we do and what we promote, please feel free to send us a private message.

“Classy never goes out of style but badassery is always a stylish accessory”…Mia Moore, Moore Maven
Dutch was a stylish and hip happening dude back in the day and he would be very proud of his developing fashion forward legacy. Dutch Moore Living will promote its own brand of sassy and badassy casual togs; sourced from Printful.com along with a host of other DML branded products. While we build our own brand, we will test, review, promote and celebrate other brands we personally use and love. Sources like Stitch Fix, Trunk Club, as well as small, independent brands by style mavens, fashionistas, and artistic divas. We happen to be fond of TomTaylor and Sense of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Our products and services blogs will provide reviews on retailers, independent store fronts and entrepreneurs focused on fashion, health, beauty and finance. We will eventually have a dedicated review page that gives readers our opinion and provides them an opportunity to do the same.
Of course, we are all about paying it forward, so we will also promote charitable brands such as Life is Good, Bombas, and Causebox. Giving back is how we move ahead!
We will support independent retailers like Sense, an organic leisure clothier and Tom Taylor, a craft belt, handbag and accessory reseller, both in Santa Fe, NM.; using creative partnership opportunities to promote their brands while building ours – collaboratively.
DML will also feature hand crafted home goods from sources right out of the great state of Texas and beyond from a number of cool home goods artists. Look forward to seeing featured “The Roost” reviews of independent home artistry and crafty-mastery!
Artists will be able to advertise their goods and services on one or all of our social media channels as well as participate in our quarterly DML “Box” promotions in the future. Being small has never been soooo big!! Go Dutch and Go HOME! Muah!