Editing Your Self Image
Maintaining Personal Style While Working at Home During one of my recent mindless social media scrolling sessions, I came across an interesting weeklong master-class series called “Live Like an Editor” hosted by Tonya Leigh. As a writer, I was intrigued with the wordplay and was curious about the methodology. Tonya Leigh, a registered nurse, decided…Read More

Those Who Can, Teach
There’s an old saying about teaching that suggests practitioners and educators were squarely in two separate camps; those who can do something and those who teach something. The saying eventually evolved to, “Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can’t, Teach.” The injustice of such a statement is that teachers are paid far below the corporate…Read More

When Passion Meets Purpose
Recently, I signed up for a 12-week spiritually based finance course to sharpen my spending, savings, and investment habits. The Wealth with God course also includes charitable activities, as well as both financial and time commitments. All prerecorded during the pandemic, the pastor leads students through a thorough and candid process of truly evaluating your…Read More

Underemployed Euphoria
Ladder-climbing professionals across industries and business sectors have begun looking at the rung below and seeing it with a fresh set of eyes. Choosing to pursue and take a lower position has always been frowned upon by recruiters and hiring executives alike; however, there are legitimate reasons to take a step back at any point,…Read More

Shifting Gears
Career transitions are seldom easy and rarely happen overnight. Often, a change in direction is connected to another shift that leads you on a totally different path. Loss of loved ones, health issues, relationships, a job, or even a beloved pet can be catalysts for professional change. During COVID-19, workers got a taste for the…Read More

Leveling Up While Stacking Up Habits
Whether you are a full-time remote employee, a hybrid worker, or somewhere in between, there is typically some concern about futureproofing your career against the veil of invisibility. In other words, protecting your current role and prospects against the remote worker bias presently growing in corporate institutions. My book, Home @ Work, available on Amazon,…Read More