
Never underestimate the importance of getting or giving closure.  For twenty plus years, I waited for someone to return for closure. That day never arrived. Because of the harsh words exchanged and the distance erected on both sides, I spent two decades in bitter resentment, masked by a feeling of “I’m o.k.; you’re o.k.”  I…Read More


It’s been several years since I’ve been to Houston. Last week, I got a last-minute opportunity to return for a brief visit. A day trip for work took me to the Post Oak area of the city, in one of its two downtowns. Yes, two.  Houston is stretched out to cover the two distinct business…Read More

Piling up the Pennies

Have you ever felt like you were stuck on the financial black-hole hamster wheel? You know that sensation you have that you’re running in place to get ahead of the game only to realize that you are still only hovering inches above the financial sinkhole of suck? If you’re like most of Middle Americans, you’ve…Read More

Working for a Living

The fight for Work-from-Home privileges vs. Return-to-Office (RTO) mandates continues to rage and ravage the employment landscape. Workers are weighing the pros and cons of taking more pay to go into an office full time or in a hybrid flex model or find a way to balance the loss of income with the reduction of…Read More

Manifesting Destiny

Have you ever felt stuck? You know that feeling that no matter what you do, how well you do it, or if you time it so well that Rolex wants to put you on the payroll, it is all just for not? The past decade, for me, has been an exercise of tar and feathering,…Read More

Solo Travels

I recently traveled to Pittsburgh, PA on business and realized how seldom I travel solo anymore. For almost a decade, I traveled alone regularly. Now mind you, I didn’t often venture too far. Except for a solo trip to Canada, all my ventures were domestic travel. Obviously, the pandemic changed the traveling landscape for a…Read More

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