Product Review: Mutts, Grub, & Cantina Cool — A Dog’s Hooman Dreams
Before I can even think about relocating to Fort Worth, there are a number of canine checklist items that must be crossed off to secure the three-paw vote that I need to schedule a moving van. The boys, Aiden, Jude, and Lyncoln, have requirements. As board members of the Texas Husky Sibe Tribe, they mean…Read More

Product Review: Hair I go again on my own….
I am a new member of COVID Hair Nation. I’ve joined the ranks of women (and some men) who have ventured into self-hair-care. Cue the Twilight Zone music, please. In all honesty, I am somewhat beholden to my hair-care professionals. Nearly 8 years with the same stylist and colorist, the thought of stepping into an…Read More

Product Review: DML Spencer Barnes
I have tech neck. The constant up and down bobble-head motion made to check my phone, my iPad, and my computer takes a toll on the muscles and joints in the neck. But it can also do a number on the appearance and the texture of the neck’s skin. Karmically speaking, I am probably set…Read More

Product Review: The Boxed Life
I am a big fan of the box. You know those bundled collections of eco-friendly goodies from indie product makers across the globe. Anxiously, I wait. And wait. Still waiting…wait for it: oh, it’s here! For the most part, I love love love the things I get, but every now and then I open the…Read More