Stuck in a Rut
Ever feel as though you can’t get unstuck? Yep, that’s where I was this spring. A million thoughts, ideas, and to-do items on my list without a cohesive strategy, action plan, or timeline. In short, I was simply too “mind” tired to give a damn about doing any of it. I’ve been on a building…Read More

Dealing with Difficult Colleagues @ Work
Over the years I have been both blessed and stressed by partnerships in the workplace. Like family, we often do not get the option of choosing our colleagues, and sometimes — eventually — must make changes and choices to avoid having to deal with them any longer. One might think that this is the beauty…Read More

Everyone needs a mentor. Whether it’s a highly paid coaching professional, a colleague, or friend in your innermost circle, there is power in having someone in your corner who will tell you the truth and has your back, even when you think they don’t. For nearly two decades, I have had the great honor of…Read More

In With the Old and the New
As I continue my adventures in painting the new home office en suite, I have completed the first phase of the color makeover. Eight walls and 3.5 gallons (including the paint in my hair, on my clothes, and of course, the layer that found its way to the bottom of my feet). Don’t ask —…Read More

Working Space
I’ve been avoiding the renovations of the second story of my home for nearly three years. Well, that’s not exactly true; my son, who moved in with me pre-COVID, occupied most of the top floor for the better part of four years. However, I passively resisted doing the work. While I’ve absolutely enjoyed having him…Read More

Working On Home
Happy New Year! I hope 2023 finds you well and ramping up your prosperity in this new year. For me, 2022 was a blur of activity and inner reflection of healing, self-discovery, and a quest to return to who I really am and who I am meant to be(come) — a slow, yet scenic ride….Read More