Product Review: Mutts, Grub, & Cantina Cool — A Dog’s Hooman Dreams

Before I can even think about relocating to Fort Worth, there are a number of canine checklist items that must be crossed off to secure the three-paw vote that I need to schedule a moving van. The boys, Aiden, Jude, and Lyncoln, have requirements. As board members of the Texas Husky Sibe Tribe, they mean…Read More

Product Review: Hair I go again on my own….

I am a new member of COVID Hair Nation. I’ve joined the ranks of women (and some men) who have ventured into self-hair-care. Cue the Twilight Zone music, please. In all honesty, I am somewhat beholden to my hair-care professionals. Nearly 8 years with the same stylist and colorist, the thought of stepping into an…Read More

Surfing the Sands of time in White Sands, New Mexico

It is reasonable to believe that most people have a “bucket list.” I have a (loose) bucket list of places that I want to visit and things that I want to (attempt to) do before I transition into the next life. Who knows? Maybe that life will be far more adventurous than this one, but…Read More

Goodbye to Henri – A Final Farewell

When Henri Bendel (HB) closed its doors in January 2019, a little piece of my shopaholic personality died along with it.  The mourning process was long and complicated. After a decade of dedicated loyalty, love, and (mildly) lavish expense, I had to eventually accept that the relationship was sadly over. Prior to the devastating split,…Read More

Product Review: DML Spencer Barnes

I have tech neck. The constant up and down bobble-head motion made to check my phone, my iPad, and my computer takes a toll on the muscles and joints in the neck. But it can also do a number on the appearance and the texture of the neck’s skin. Karmically speaking, I am probably set…Read More

Fitness in the Fifty (Fast) Lane

I turned 50 last year. Yeah, I really didn’t get the birthday party I wanted. Well, maybe next decade. Getting in shape has been an incredible B* for the past two decades. Stress, hormones, injury, illness, arthritis…every attempt to improve my health just tanked. Setbacks felt like major failures, and I just gave up. Maybe…Read More

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