Establishing Normal

Humanity entered a quasi-dark night of the soul in early 2020. Shuttered indoors, distancing ourselves from one another while masking our fears, our feelings, and our faces, we have become even more closed off from one another; hermits are in awe of our reclusive behavior. We look to government, medical professionals, and media outlets to…Read More

I am the Boss of Me

Making significant life changes is never an easy road to take. Often, when you head out on that journey, there will be people in your life who will not want to go along for the ride. Then there will be those who you will not want to take with you. The gnawing feeling deep down…Read More

Today’s Mental Forecast | Overcast With a Chance of Toxic Rain

Like many, I have been doing a bit of soul-searching and mental housecleaning over the past 18 months. I am learning that, for me, the best path to mental health is meditation, physical activity, and a healthy heaping of good, restful, uninterrupted sleep. A bit of daily laughter helps a lot.  I love to laugh!…Read More

Closure Brings New Beginnings

I recently had the pleasure of participating in the milestone birthday of one of my favorite people. Celebrating on the rooftop patio of Legacy Hall, I watched my friend flitter from guest to guest, trying to reconnect with as many as possible while he was back in town. When it was finally my turn, I…Read More

Overdoing Leads to Being Over Done

I’m not going to lie to you.  I tend to overdo most things.  OK, maybe not most things, but a lot of things that shouldn’t be overdone. Take exercise for starters. During the height of the pandemic last year, I went all in. Six days a week I was in two-a-day-mode. Hot yoga in the…Read More

The Right to Write

Travel is a funny thing.  Often filled to the brim with sightseeing, obligatory bucket-list checked boxes, and a litany of other rando crap ya just gotta do, it can become the bane of your existence instead of the relaxing joy that you anticipated. Journeys away from home are supposed to be an escape from the…Read More

Year-End Fitness Blues…

Being a really good girl often means giving up sweet, naughty indulgences…not…

The Difference Between Health and Wellness

When we talk about health and wellness, we  usually assume that they are synonymous with each other. However, did you know that they are not necessarily the same thing? “Health” is not defined by W.H.O. (World Health Organization) as the complete absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social…Read More

To Your Health & Happiness

By Mae We are constantly surrounded by various advertisements for a Better, Healthier, Sexier You!, articles and products that will promise to get you in The Best Shape of Your Life! or promote dangerous processes that promise to lead you to Lose Those Pesky 15 lbs. in ONE WEEK! But, upon closer examination, nope —…Read More

Basic Workout Vocabulary

By Mae Rymer Anyone who has at least a couple of gym-rat friends knows how funny it is to hear them talk gym-shop in front of others. If you don’t know what I am referring to, “let me paint you an image; it’s a cliché, but it’s an image”- Robin Williams, The Birdcage [Insert Gym-Bro…Read More

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