To Your Health & Happiness
By Mae We are constantly surrounded by various advertisements for a Better, Healthier, Sexier You!, articles and products that will promise to get you in The Best Shape of Your Life! or promote dangerous processes that promise to lead you to Lose Those Pesky 15 lbs. in ONE WEEK! But, upon closer examination, nope —…Read More

Basic Workout Vocabulary
By Mae Rymer Anyone who has at least a couple of gym-rat friends knows how funny it is to hear them talk gym-shop in front of others. If you don’t know what I am referring to, “let me paint you an image; it’s a cliché, but it’s an image”- Robin Williams, The Birdcage [Insert Gym-Bro…Read More

Health, Fitness, Wellness
By Mae Rymer First, let me start off by saying I am NOT in any way shape or form a health and fitness professional and utilizing practicing professionals within the health and fitness community is a great way to help improve your overall life and is always highly recommended! The health and well-being blog at…Read More

Travel to New Mexico- The Land of Enchantment- An introductory
By Mae Rymer I had been coming up to Santa Fe, New Mexico for years with my mother and brother. We would usually come during spring break in Texas when there was still snow on the ground. I have loved New Mexico ever since I could remember. The majority of the buildings are made out…Read More

Creative Arts in Education
By Mae Rymer Creative arts in education is one of many curriculum victims of budget cuts, and had been deemed as nonessential within the education structures via outside views; comparing its value to that of sports, science, and liberal arts. But by actively de-funding and the creative arts of fine art, graphic design, music, and…Read More

Abstract Art: WTH am I looking at?
By Mae Rymer “Abstract Art: art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures” – Oxford Languages Whether many of us are aware of it or not, we have all been exposed, by one way or another, to a type of abstract art….Read More